Variable Data Products

Overview of Variable Data Products

With the system’s licensable Variable Data Products (VDP) options (EFI VDP Templates powered by Direct Smile, FusionPro, or XMPie) you can provide your customers with the ability to create personalized documents, such as business cards and letterhead, without having to send “camera-ready” digital files to an FTP site. Customers can simply select a template from your site’s product catalog, personalize it with their own information, proof it online, and place the order.

Note: Variable data documents are documents in your online catalog that customers can personalize with their own information.

Depending on the type of products you want to offer your customers, however, you can create and add templates for any type of personalized document (e.g., business cards, letterhead, signage, postcards, flyers, brochures, sell sheets). The process involves three basic steps:

         Create templates for the personalized products you want to add to your online catalog.

         Import the templates into your online catalog.

         Manage the variable data product documents in your catalog. 

What are variable data products for?

Why should you use them?

Customizing a printed document with personalized information for each specified recipient (e.g., name, address, birth date, etc). You can use EFI VDP, FusionPro, or XMPie, licensable options in MarketDirect StoreFront, to create the templates for your VDPs.  

To provide buyers with products they can personalize for each person on a customer list (e.g., in a sales and marketing campaign) or membership roll. VDP means that the data on the product (such as a name, title) varies based on the specified recipient.

         To create a FusionPro variable data product, see FusionPro Products.

         To create an XMPie variable data product, see XMPie Products.

         To create dynamic web forms for variable data products, see Dynamic Web Forms for Variable Data Products - VDP.

See Also

         Product Building Overview

         To manage products on the Manage Products page

         Creating Products

         To create an ad hoc, non-printed, kit, or static product

         To create a variable data product (EFI VDP, XMPie, FusionPro)


         Quick Reference: Creating a Superwide Format Product

         Product Management Contents Page