Instant Email Notifications

You can send email notifications at any time to communicate with buyers and any other email recipients from your site.

To send an instant email notification

1.        Go to Email Settings and click Instant Email Notification.

2.        Enter information in the following fields:

         From Email: Enter the email address from which you want to send the email.

         Subject: Enter a subject line for the email.

         Body: Enter and format the body of your email message.

Note: Most of the controls on the text editor (e.g., cut, copy, paste, font selection, sizing, color, etc.) will be familiar to users of word processing packages such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. A few of the controls that might not be so familiar are:  



This displays the text editor workspace in design mode, which means it will be displayed WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”).

This displays the text editor workspace in HTML mode, which means you can use standard HTML formatting tags to define how your text will appear (e.g., <b>Sale!</b> will cause the word “Sale!” to display in boldface on the storefront). You can create hyperlinks to other web sites as well as to YouTube videos.


This displays the text in the workspace without any formatting controls.

         Send To: Select recipient(s) for the email message.

Note: Expand the tree to locate the Company, Department, or User to send the email message to. If you select the Company or Department, all users registered to that company will receive the email message. You can also choose to send the email message to defined Groups and Users by selecting them in the Groups/Users box and add them individually using Add or collectively using Add All.

         Send Me A Copy: Check this box to "copy" yourself on the email message (i.e., to send yourself a copy of the message).

         Additional Recipient Email: Enter an additional email address(es) You can specify additional email addressees to receive the message.

Tip: You can include multiple email addressees. Be sure to separate them with semi-colons (;).

         Test Email: Click to send a test email to a specified recipient.

Note: Be sure to specify a test email address for a recipient who is a registered member of the company and user group you selected in the Send To section above.  

3.        Click Preview to see and review your message before sending.

4.        Click Send to send the email message.

See Also

         Email Server Settings

         Site-Level Email Notifications

         Edit Site-Level Email Notifications

         Company-Level Email Notifications


         Edit Company-Level Email Notifications

         Edit Email Notifications